NEWS and Articles
Informative articles and news about Flex-Safe® products
Enhancing Public Safety: Law Enforcement Training Exercises
Enhancing Public Safety: How Flex-Safe USA's Innovative Signage Solution Transforms Law Enforcement Training Exercises Community safety remains a paramount priority in an age marked by heightened security concerns. Recent developments in law enforcement training have...
Types of Barricades
What is a traffic barricade? A traffic barricade is a portable or fixed device having from one to three rails with appropriate markings and is used to control road users by closing, restricting, or delineating all or a portion of the right-of-way. What is a Type 1...
What is a barricade?
What is a Barricade? What is the origin of the word "barricade"? From French, going back to Middle French, from barrique "barrel," a typical component of barricades. It originally meant "a defensive barrier hastily constructed, as in the street, to stop an enemy."...
Channelizing Devices
What are channelizing devices? The Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) defines channelizers as “devices that are used to temporarily guide traffic on public roads”. The function of channelizing devices is to warn road users of conditions created by...
Temporary Traffic Control
What is meant by temporary traffic control? Temporary Traffic Control or TTC is the use of temporary traffic control devices, flaggers, police officers, and other safety devices and features to guide traffic through an area of a highway where road user conditions are...
Fire Police
Fire Police What do the Fire Police do? Fire police are volunteer fire brigade/company members who, based upon their jurisdictional authority, receive sworn police powers, special training, and support firefighting efforts at emergency incidents. In addition to...
Event Management and Flex-Safe Barricades Event Management We were recently contacted by an event management company out of Boston, Massachusetts. They had a corporate sponsor who wanted to use blue barricades for the event. We think the event was probably a 5k run...
Blue “POLICE LINE ” Folding Barricade
Blue "Police Line Do Not Cross" Folding Barricade I recently saw a video clip from the Brooklyn, New York Marathon. Several employees from the New York City Police Department were staging sawhorse barricades on the corner of...
Traffic Control Companies and Temporary Traffic Control
Traffic Control Companies and Temporary Traffic Control A manager at a Traffic Control Company in the Northeast recently contacted us to ask a question - “Can the Flex-Safe® Barricades / Safety Barriers be used for temporary traffic control on highways? “ Our short...